Il verbo "To be" (verbo essere in inglese) è un vero irregolare e al Past Simple è l'unico che presenta due forme: was (per la prima e la terza persona singolare), were (per la seconda persona singolare, e le tre persone plurali). Si adopera per esprimere azioni concluse in un periodo di tempo completamente trascorso. Con i verbi al passato was e were è possibile creare frasi affermative, negative, interrogative e interrogative negative. Per formare le frasi negative si deve aggiungere la negazione "not" al verbo essere al Past simple (wasn't e weren't). Per altre frasi con verbi regolari e irregolari diversi dal verbo "to be" vi rimandiamo all'appunto frasi con il Past simple.
Was e Were: frasi affermative
Claudia was at home yesterday.
Claudia era a casa ieri.
We were in the same school a year ago.
Eravamo nella stessa scuola un anno fa.
I was late for school yesterday morning.
Ieri mattina ho fatto tardi a scuola.
Her father was a bricklayer.
Suo padre era un muratore.
There were many people at the party.
C'erano molte persone alla festa.
The girls was hungry after school.
Le ragazze avevano fame dopo la scuola.
I lost my keys. They were in my pocket yesterday.
Ho perso le chiavi. Erano nelle mie tasche ieri.
The weather was beautiful yesterday.
Il tempo è stato bello ieri.
It was his birthday last Monday.
Lunedì scorso era il suo compleanno.
Maradona was a great footballer.
Maradona è stato un grande calciatore.
My hair was short last year.
I miei capelli erano corti l'anno scorso.
Francesco was 10 years old last year.
Francesco aveva 10 anni l'anno scorso.
She was afraid.
Lei aveva paura.
Grandad and grandma were happy to see us.
Il nonno e la nonna erano felici di vederci.
I was a doctor but now I am a teacher.
Ero un medico ma ora sono un insegnante.
I was hungry but then I ate a huge hamburger.
Io avevo fame ma poi ho mangiato un hamburger enorme.
It was a lovely, sunny day.
Era una bella giornata di sole.
These shoes were very expensive.
Queste scarpe erano molto costose.
She was in Japan last week.
Era in Giappone la scorsa settimana.
Mattia was my lovely friend.
Mattia era il mio adorabile amico.
I was born in 1992.
Sono nato nel 1992.
I was a good student at university.
Ero un bravo studente all'università.
She was very beautiful when she was young.
Era molto bella quando era giovane.
I was happy at my birthday.
Ero felice al mio compleanno.
When I was a baby, I was naughty.
Quando ero un bambino, ero impertinente.
Last year, I was seven years old.
L'anno scorso avevo sette anni.
They were very old.
Erano molto vecchi.
We were late for dinner.
Eravamo in ritardo per la cena.
You were at the market.
Eravate al mercato.
They were in Peru last year.
Erano in Perù l'anno scorso.
We were friends.
Eravamo amici.
It was cloudy yesterday.
Ieri era nuvoloso.
Wasn't Weren't: frasi negative
They weren't at home.
Non erano a casa.
You weren't on the bus.
Non eri sull'autobus.
We weren't at work.
Non eravamo al lavoro.
I wasn't at school yesterday because I was sick.
Ieri non ero a scuola perché ero malato.
I called but she wasn't at home.
Ho chiamato ma non era in casa.
Don't be sorry. It was not your fault.
Non essere dispiaciuto. Non è stata colpa tua.
The book wasn't on the table.
Il libro non era sul tavolo.
I wasn't a police officer.
Non ero un agente di polizia.
They weren't in Thailand.
Non erano in Thailandia.
They weren't tired.
Non erano stanchi.
We weren't happy that day.
Non eravamo felici quel giorno.
It wasn't an easy decision.
Non è stata una decisione facile.
Mary wasn't in the class last week.
Mary non era in classe la scorsa settimana.
I was short two years ago, but now I am not short.
Ero basso due anni fa, ma ora non lo sono più.
They weren't happy with the score.
Non erano contenti del punteggio.
I wasn't on vacation last week.
Non ero in vacanza la scorsa settimana.
She wasn't at the park last saturday.
Non era al parco sabato scorso.
We weren't at a restaurant last night.
Non eravamo in un ristorante ieri sera.
It wasn't sunny yesterday. It was rainy.
Ieri non c'era il sole. Era piovoso.
He was not a good elementary school student.
Non era un bravo studente delle elementari.
The players on the cricket team weren't as experienced as they said.
I giocatori della squadra di cricket non erano così esperti come dicevano.
Was e Were: frasi interrogative
Were they at work? Erano al lavoro?
Where were you?
Dove eri?
When was he at the cinema?
Quando era al cinema?
Were you are school yesterday?
Eri a scuola ieri?
Were you ill last week?
Eri malato la scorsa settimana?
Why were you late to school?
Perché sei arrivato in ritardo a scuola?
How much was it?
Quanto costava?
Were they friends?
Erano amici?
Were you in London last year?
Eri a Londra l'anno scorso?
Where were you born?
Dove sei nato?
Were we on time?
Siamo stati in tempo?
Were they honest people?
Erano persone oneste?
Were you a lazy student?
Eri uno studente pigro?
Were you at the hospital yesterday?
Eri in ospedale ieri?
Were we classmates?
Eravamo compagni di classe?
Was she your girlfriend?
Era la tua ragazza?
Was he in England last year?
Era in Inghilterra l'anno scorso?
What was your favourite subject at school?
Qual era la tua materia preferita a scuola?
Where were they last night?
Dov'erano ieri sera?
Why was she sad last Friday?
Perché era triste venerdì scorso?
How were you after the accident?
Com'eri dopo l'incidente?
Were you a quiet baby?
Eri un bambino tranquillo?
Were they young or old?
Erano giovani o vecchi?