di William Blake
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It is part of the collection Songs of Innocence and it deals with the identity of the creator and the qualities of creation and the vision of life that is still innocent during childhood. The first stanza is a series of questions reduced in a basic one: who made you (the lamb)? So Blake asks about the identity of the creator and it is an explanation of some qualities of creatures and so creation. The qualities of the lamb are goodness, beauty, weakness, innocence, submissiveness, docile, tenderness, sweetness, defenseless. There’s an association with the image of Jesus’s childhood, he is symbol of sacrifice, faith, love.
In the second stanza there are the answers about the creator that has the same name of the lamb (Jesus), and he defines some qualities of the creator who shares with the lamb (sweet, gentle, submissive, good).
In the line “I a child thou a lamb” he identifies himself in the creation and in the creator, indeed he is part of a divine unity and shares with the creator a creative nature: God originates the world while Blake writes poems.
Language-style: he uses archaisms but it is easy to read because they were part of everyday language. These archaisms are taken from the Bible (was translated with Henry VIII), in the Anglican Church it was read by everyone, not as catholic whereby it was a book for priests. He uses even repetitions that remind of nursery rhymes and so they are coherent with the content of childhood of Jesus. These are poems that show life of children: beautiful, colorful, peaceful, joyful, innocent, everybody is good so he doesn’t know the evil of life.
In children approach everyone is trust worthy. In these sense Blake is a forerunner of Romanticism because it deals with childhood, children are small adults but they should leave to play and not to work.
Analisi del testo:
It is part of the collection Songs of Innocence and it deals with the identity of the creator and the qualities of creation and the vision of life that is still innocent during childhood. The first stanza is a series of questions reduced in a basic one: who made you (the lamb)? So Blake asks about the identity of the creator and it is an explanation of some qualities of creatures and so creation. The qualities of the lamb are goodness, beauty, weakness, innocence, submissiveness, docile, tenderness, sweetness, defenseless. There’s an association with the image of Jesus’s childhood, he is symbol of sacrifice, faith, love.
In the second stanza there are the answers about the creator that has the same name of the lamb (Jesus), and he defines some qualities of the creator who shares with the lamb (sweet, gentle, submissive, good).
In the line “I a child thou a lamb” he identifies himself in the creation and in the creator, indeed he is part of a divine unity and shares with the creator a creative nature: God originates the world while Blake writes poems.
Language-style: he uses archaisms but it is easy to read because they were part of everyday language. These archaisms are taken from the Bible (was translated with Henry VIII), in the Anglican Church it was read by everyone, not as catholic whereby it was a book for priests. He uses even repetitions that remind of nursery rhymes and so they are coherent with the content of childhood of Jesus. These are poems that show life of children: beautiful, colorful, peaceful, joyful, innocent, everybody is good so he doesn’t know the evil of life.
In children approach everyone is trust worthy. In these sense Blake is a forerunner of Romanticism because it deals with childhood, children are small adults but they should leave to play and not to work.